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Course Overview
Follow along as Amie Akers walks you through Photoshop for photographers – detailing all the tools, capabilities and ways to get creative! If you've never used Photoshop before, do NOT be intimidated! Amie guides you through it all with easy to follow step-by-step directions!

Amie Akers

“You can't use up creativity. The more you use, the more you have."

For Amie there has never really been life without photography.  One of her earliest childhood memories is that of she and her cousins cuddled on the floor with popcorn as they watched slides upon slides of the photographic works of her father, uncles, and grandfather. One of the things she loves most about photographic art is the post-processing of an image. Learning a dark room from a very early age with her family she fell in love with the various ways in which to post process and image through the onset of digital photography and the birth of applications such as Photoshop.  After 12 years running a full time photography business she now only photographs part-time and instead spends most of her time in the Adobe Creative Suite learning, teaching, and editing for herself and others.  She has found incredible joy helping others unlock the magic within photo editing and watching them harness that magic into becoming incredible photographic artists.