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As Wedding photographers, we have to learn, practice, then execute so many friggin skills that it feels exhausting having to learn a new one! Like, seriously… can I please just slap a flash on my camera, set it to ETTL and call it a day. Am I right?! But let's take a second to think about it. We give pretty much an endless amount of energy to improving our posing skills for bride and groom portraits, but in reality, that takes up like 30 minutes of a wedding day?! I’m gonna be honest, If you spend have the energy you use on posing and stressing about color toning, and put that to learning Off Camera Flash lighting, your storytelling of the wedding day and overall professionalism will skyrocket! All I need from you is 1 week of practicing… 1 week! That’s it! If you practice for these skills for 20 minutes every night for 1 week, you will develop the muscle memory and fundamentals needed to confidently use OCF lighting at every wedding or event!

Scott English Milam

“We must bring our own light to the darkness."

Scott English is a Wedding and Family photographer based out of Phoenix, Arizona. Photographing truth and intimacy fills his soul! For the past 11 years, Scott has been shooting weddings full time and quickly learned to embrace Off Camera Flash as a key part of his style and brand. He’s an avid fly fisherman and lover of the outdoors. He is kind-spirited and a lover of life!