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Leveling Up by Leah Evans

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Course overview
Discover how to break through the hidden barriers holding you back in your photography business and art. In Leveling Up by Leah Evans, learn practical strategies to overcome common roadblocks, develop emotional intelligence, and unlock new levels of confidence, creativity, and financial success. Perfect for photographers ready to grow both personally and professionally.
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Leveling Up: Unlock Confidence, Creativity, and Financial Success with Leah Evans

Discover how to break through the hidden barriers holding you back in your photography business and art. In Leveling Up by Leah Evans, learn practical strategies to overcome common roadblocks, develop emotional intelligence, and unlock new levels of confidence, creativity, and financial success. Perfect for photographers ready to grow both personally and professionally.
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Leah Evans

“You can't use up creativity. The more you use, the more you have."

Leah Evans is a photographer and business mentor that lives in Lawrence, Kansas with her husband, 2 kids, and 2 dogs. She’s recently been diagnosed with ADHD, and she’s trying really hard to not make that her entire personality (but oh my god, everything makes so much more sense now!). Leah dabbles in ceramics, textiles, and baking, and she spends entirely too much money on her tarot collection.  She is forever encouraging photographers to lay the foundation to run sustainable and profitable businesses, and she’ll probably tell you to raise your prices, in the most loving way possible.

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