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Breaking The Ice
& Forging a Quick Connection With Your Clients

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Course overview
More often than not we are meeting our clients for the very first time on the day of a shoot. We’re about to ask these strangers to act naturally in front of us and love on each other in very personal ways, but how can they act natural if we first don’t make them feel comfortable with us? We need to break the ice and get to know our clients quickly- bust through the wall of nerves and get them in a headspace to be themselves in front of us and feel at ease. This lesson will reveal a few tips on how to quickly break down any walls between you and your clients, ease everyone’s nerves, and make your clients ready to have fun with you- the stuff that great images are made of!

Mel Dalton

“You can't use up creativity. The more you use, the more you have."

Melanie is a metro Atlanta based, family and portrait photographer. A wife, mom of three kids and a full-time Flight Attendant, Mel masters the science of multi-tasking but never claims to be perfect at it! Occasionally, one of the hundreds of balls she’s juggling at one time comes crashing to the ground and that is OK. From imperfection comes humility, and from humility comes many more invaluable character traits-  Mel’s choosing to embrace them all.

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