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six u n i q u e courses
Each lesson will be an in-depth look at these topics: intimate couples, families, self portraiture, maternity, birth, newborns, and working with models. Our instructors will hold nothing back in their teachings. The best part? You will be able to ask them anything and everything during their live!!
behind t h e scenes v i d e o s
each week, go behind the scenes with a new trailblazer as they bring us into their creative process. follow along and see how unique each process is from the others.
w e e k l y l i v e s
each week there will be two scheduled lives to ask questions and get feedback about your progress during Outliers. if you can't make it, don't stress, the lives will be recorded and available to watch whenever you can find the time. lives also serve as the perfect opportunity to get to know one another on a face-to-face level.
editing v i d eo s
just as unique as their process is behind the camera, so is their process post shoot. follow along as each trailblazer walks us through their editing and gives us their favorite tips and tricks for creating their own unique pieces of art.
l i f e t i m e access
b o n u s p d f s
this ones for the misfits.
we've hand selected instructors, who we believe to be creative trailblazers, who aren't looking to fit inside any box. They are bold, quirky and unequivocally themselves. Their art is unique and a true outward expression of who they are... and they are ready to inspire you to do the same.
Write your awesome label here.
Write your awesome label here.
step outside the lines.
being an artist is not about creating inside the lines, it is about daring to step outside of them. it is about leaving your inhibitions behind and stepping into the real you, no matter what anyone else thinks...
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