Celebrate your hard work and growth on your creative journey! 

In order to become an UEA you must be advanced in your craft and voice. You must be brave, authentic and skilled. Expert Artists are not followers, they are leaders. Here at Unraveled, we are unlike many of the other photography communities. We are looking for out-of-the-box artists to stand with us. Those who are creative and emotive in their art will find a home with us. We are intentional rule breakers here. We want to see you learn the rules and then break them with purpose.We do our best to ensure that all applications are reviewed as objectively and anonymously as possible. We include multiple judges in our decision.

So what does it mean to be “unraveled?”
verb (used with object), unraveled, unraveling or unravelled, unravelling. 
- to separate or disentangle the threads of (a woven or knitted fabric, arope, etc.).
- to free from complication or difficulty; make plain or clear; solve: to unravel a situation; to unravel a mystery.informal. to take apart; undo; destroy (a plan, agreement, or arrangement). 

So simply stated, our Unraveled Expert Artists have disentangled what it means to be an artist. They have learned and mastered the technicalities and rules and have decided if and how they want to break them. Our UEA program is informal and led by the heart. Artists who are accepted have found their voice and stand behind their vision. It is more than just knowing how to expose or compose an image. It is about creating an image that speaks to the heart, reeks of authenticity and is unwavering and strong.  We believe with every morsel of our beings that you must look deeply within in order to express yourself freely outwardly. You must separate every thread of your being, learn who you are, who you want to be, and free yourself from complications in order to become who you were made to be –– artistically, wholly, and plainly.

Become an Instructor.

Our Unraveled Expert Artists are leaders in the community and the first to be considered for instructor opportunities. We consider our UEA’s for online and in-person teaching opportunities, including courses, videos and workshops and retreats. 

Portfolio Review. 

When you submit your application, you will receive an in-depth portfolio review from our judging panel. Your feedback will be honest and thorough. eview you work honestly and thoroughly. where our judges are honest and thorough. This is a no-bull look at your work! 

In the Know.

UEA’s receive first dibs on online and in person workshops and retreats!


If you are accepted as a UEA your work will be featured on our blog and social media feature. 

Private Facebook Group. 

UEA's gain access to a private UEA Facebook community where you can chat with like-minded artists, share your work and stay up to date on instructor opportunities. 


UEA is an opportunity to celebrate your hard work and growth on your creative journey. We want to shout it out from the rooftops, and showcase how far you have come. 

To apply, you must fill out the application and submit a gallery of 100 images for review. Please be sure your gallery is downloadable so if you are accepted, we can share your incredible imagery! 

Lead the way. 

To apply, you must fill out the application and submit a gallery of 100 images for review. Please be sure your gallery is downloadable so if you are accepted, we can share your incredible imagery! 

Image by Stacey Chadbourne


What our UEA's are saying,

Becoming a UEA has added so much to my creative journey. The educational and teaching opportunities are insane and they open so many doors! In the past, I hadn’t considered becoming an instructor, but that changed quickly once I received my portfolio review—that alone was career-changing! It’s such an amazing experience to have your work reviewed by other creatives that you respect and look up to. That experience alone gave me more confidence, elevated my work and for sure gave me the boost to start creating lessons and courses!"
– Tiffany Benacquista
From start to finish, applying for and being accepted as an Unraveled Expert Artist has been a really enjoyable, educational and encouraging process. Not to mention, the Portfolio Review that's included was very possibly the best $150 I’ve ever spent on my business. The Review was thorough, thoughtful and constructive. It brought things to my attention that I hadn’t considered before, was full of constructive criticism that I had hoped for and encouraged me in all the best ways!  It also unexpectedly ended up being a sort of confirmation that I desperately needed and desired."
– Jocelyn Collins